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We understand what an emotional and life changing journey it is when you or your loved one is diagnosed with a progressive or life limiting condition.


 When the time comes that you feel you need additional care and support our expert team of Community Care Practitioners can help.


We can support you or your loved one by providing holistic and dignified care and support especially tailored to the individual persons needs and preferences at this stage of their lives.  

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Providing palliative and end of life care 

What’s the difference between palliative and end of life care?

Palliative care

This is a broad term used to describe the support and management a longer-term illness that cannot be cured. Palliative care can go on for many years and can include end of life care.

End of life care

This is a term used to describe the care of a person with a terminal illness. This type of care focuses on providing relief from symptoms , pain and stress of a serious illness and to ensure that the person is kept comfortable and dignified at all times. This is usually offered for people who are thought to be in the last 12 months of their lives.

How can we support with palliative and end of life care 

To provide palliative or end of life care for a loved one at home can be a physically as well as an emotional journey for you and your loved one.

Many individuals do not want the upheaval and changes of going into a hospice or care home at this stage of their lives and want  to remain at home where it is safe, comfortable and surrounded by familiarity and loved ones.

The team at Tavy care are dedicated to providing a holistic, person centred and dignified support to individuals and their families requiring end of life and palliative care.  


We believe that providing care and support to any individual and their family is a privilege , this is especially true when it comes to providing palliative and end of life care.  We pride ourselves on being able to support individuals to achieve the best possible quality of life and comfort and support at this stage of their life.

We work closely alongside other professionals to achieve a joined-up Health and Social care service for individuals. This includes working with social workers, GPs, community nursing teams and local community hospice teams to achieve a holistic outcome for everyone.


Our experienced team can offer a sensitive and informal chat about the services we can provide for people requiring this type of care , Get in touch today to see how we can help.

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